Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One day to go.

Tomorrow is our big day.  We woke up this morning bright and early (5:30!) and after several cups of coffee I prepared to tackle packing.  It's now almost 4:00 PM and I'm taking a break.  I had to be brutal with myself.  I cut my clothing allowance down to the bone.  I've got compressible things in zip loc bags, electronics in protected cases.  The biggest part of the job was searching for all the indispensable travel sized things I've been squirreling away for the last few months.  I found these wonderful flat sheets about 6 inches by 4 inches that contain laundry soap/fabric softener, and after you use them to do the laundry, you can throw them direct into the dryer for anti-static.  How cool is that?  Since we're gone for 3 weeks, I fully expect to be doing laundry.

Let's talk about shoes.  I know we will be walking.  A lot of walking and standing on every type of surface in every type of weather.  After all, we ARE going to be tourists!  That means sensible flats with great support, that won't fall apart in the first puddle.  This isn't an issue for most men, certainly not for Brent!  For me, this is a sacrifice.  No chic little heels, wedgies, espadrilles, peep toes, or any other shoe that is incredibly sexy but can't be worn for longer than a couple of hours without the need of a paramedic.  I will just have to compensate by wearing great scarves.  Scarves pack flat and light.  Shoes pack bulky and pokey.  Just don't look at my feet.

Brent got home from work and I had him take out everything he wanted to bring.  I then carefully edited (how many t-shirts does one man need?) and added forgotten items. Then came inserting his Prince Charley jacket, vest, and full kilt get up into a  location that I hope will minimize wrinkles.  If TSA decides to unpack and search Brent's bag, I'm making them pay for a dry cleaner!

Now it's time to close and pack up my trusty laptop and all it's accessories.  Kevin will be here in the morning to haul us and all our carefully packed bags to the airport.  Sometimes I do long for the days when gentlemen and ladies packed large steamer trunks with every luxury available for a trip overseas, and there were porters that would tote your trunk for a dime tip.  Of course - that was before you had to pay a small fortune for every pound, and use your own brawn to cart your stuff.  I'm trying to think of it as a free weight and aerobic workout.  No gym or trainer needed!

Oh... almost forgot.  As incentive to get us into the European time schedule, we're going to a late movie tonight.  How could we resist kicking off a trip to the "Land of Tolkien" with The Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Rings Extended Version - playing for 1 night only on the big screen again.

1 comment:

  1. OK that is some serious packing.... here's to a safe plane ride and looking forward to the next post!
