Friday, June 24, 2011

It was a Dark and Stormy Night in Dennypace...

Brent - Well, the previous cliff hanger left our big damn heroes stranded at the Anchor Pub in the small town of Dennypace, Scotlant, waiting for a tow truck.

While waiting, we did our best to make friends with the natives. Steve had mentioned that we were all from Utah, so naturally, they asked him, "Are you all Mormons, then?" Steve answered yes, but I said no, I was a Roman Catholic.

Strike 1.

The white haired fellow I was talking with glared at me for a moment, and in a thick Scottish burr said, "Well, yer in the wrong bar, then laddie. This is the PROTESTANT bar, I'll have ye know! But we're a fine tolerant lot, that we are, so we'll allow ye to stay." Yikes!

Then I mentionted that I played the bagpipes, which interested them highly, so we started talking about piping, and the wondered how a American like I ever decided to take up piping. "Are ye Scottish, then?", they asked.

No, mostly English we think, Welsh, perhaps some Scottish, and a good bit of German."

Steeeee-rike 2!

"German!" He cried, "A German, are ye? Not only are ye a Catholic, but a German to boot. Yer pushing your luck, for sure!"

Fortunately, there were no further strikes, fouls, or errors committed, and we had a great time talking to everyone in the bar. I got a lesson in profanity (apparently my swearing was entirely too tame for white hair's taste, so I was instructed on how to swear properly, which was very impressive as a matter of fact, but I'll not repeat what I heard here!).

Eventually, the tow truck driver arrived, so we said goodbye to all our new friends at the Anchor Pub, and we were bundled into the back of the cab of the truck (very spacious actually), and they towed us about 30 miles to pick up a new car in Dundee. By the time we got the car, it was about 3:00 AM, so we crashed at a motel for six hours or so, and then continued our trip to our destination at the Lochenhully Woodland Resort, near Inverness, the next day.

1 comment:

  1. Heh heh heh, LMAO!! Well Brent, sometimes it's not good to tell the "whole" truth when speaking with the natives. I'm glad for your sake the third strike didn't occur or else we'd be reading about a German Catholic Bagpipe playing American lynched in Scotland. Next time you might want to tell them you should have been born Scottish because that's where you heart is. :D Thanks for sharing the adventure.
